Paint the Sky

“I set My rainbow in the cloud, and it shall be for the sign of the covenant between Me and the earth.” Genesis 9:13

Last week we had an evening rain shower. While there isn’t anything usual about that considering it’s autumn in Indianapolis, the aftermath was a sight to behold. Thankfully my door was open and I was able to revel in the splendor of the Most High.  

The picture fails to do it justice. It was eerily beautiful. The sky was a myriad of magnificent  hues from His paint brush. It glowed as if a ultra-violent lamp had been positioned over earth. I was awestruck and near tears. I haven’t seen a rainbow in years. 

I’ve often felt that God speaks to me through His majestic skies and that day His message, the storm is over, was loud and clear. The feeling was so palpable that I half expected Him to appear. 

I felt such peace and gratitude that I was able to see the Master Artist at work again. And in the form of the rainbow. That rainbow renewed my belief that although “weeping may last a night, joy cometh in the morning.” Psalm 30.5 He painted the sky, no doubt, as a visual reminder to me that my troubles won’t last always. 

We serve a God who keeps His promises; He who is as constant as the Northern Star He formed. Thank You Father for this lovely reminder which was like water for my parched soul. 


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