Sunday Sermon

“There will be a shelter to give shade from the heat by day, and refuge and protection from the storm and the rain.” Isaiah 4:6

Today’s sermon was right on time. I have been struggling with maintaining my faith and hope in a few things I am dealing with. Not to mention, there have been a lot of storms weather wise. Puerto Rico, Florida, Texas, and many Caribbean nations have been besieged. Storms, physical and metaphorical, are inevitable. 

As a result we do not know what storms or the magnitude of them that we will face however, be warned that they will come in a myriad of forms. Belief in God’s word can help fortify us against the attacks. 

As my pastor pointed out, storms can help teach us what is important in life. I want to encourage anyone currently facing stormy weather to hold on to your faith. Storms can cause depression. Depression is the result of spiritual dryness. When you don’t read the Bible, attend church, or commune with God, your spirit becomes barren. Hope cannot take root in dry places. Nothing can grow without the Living Water. 

In closing, He gave us five principles to apply during trials: 

1. Laugh in your circumstances-this reminds me of the Proverbs 31 woman who laughed without fear of the future. She was wise knowing that no matter what her future held, God would use it for good. 

2. Decide what is true-remember, the Father of Lies loves to confuse the mind and paint everything black so that life feels hopeless. 

3. Discipline your body-Take care of yourself while enduring the storm. Otherwise you are even more vulnerable in a weakened state. We need all of our energy to fight the good fight of faith. 

4. Fight for your life-you have to do your part alongside God. The Bible says faith without works is dead-so work your faith!

5. Preach your message-this resonated deeply within my core. God allows some storms to pass through our lives to shelter others. This realization is powerful. Your “mess” can be a message for someone else. 

Table In The Wilderness

“Thou preparest a table for me in the presence of mine enemies.” Psalm 23:5

In one of the most famous Psalms, David writes about his valley experience. Reading this, it is evident that there is value in the valley. We learn the following things: 

1. The Lord is our Shepherd

2. He will provide our needs

3. He is a Leader who take us to a place of peace and down righteous paths. 

4. He is a Restorer. 

5. He is with us in the face of evil. 

6. He is a Comforter.

7. Even in the midst of our enemies, He will provide. 

8. He will annoint us with oil. 

9. Our cups will remain full. 

10. Goodness and mercy will follow us until the end of days. 

11. We will dwell in His house forever. 

No wonder this Psalm is so well known and loved. The comfort it offers is palatable. Is there anything that He won’t do for us?! 

Not only does He prepare, meaning to produce, arrange, and assemble a table for us, He does so in the presence of our enemies. The preparation alone suggests that it won’t be an ordinary setting. Because it has been prepared by the Lord Himself, it would be a table unlike any other. 

And He sets this beautiful table in the middle of the valley, a place of despair and woe. Imagine if you can, walking through a valley and beholding a table set specifically with you in mind. A table in the wilderness is certainly not a typical sight.

In backdrop of this table is all of your enemies-literal and figurative who serve as witness to the overwhelming, everlasting love that God has for you. He doesn’t restore you back to life in secret, He does so openly and intentionally in the presence of those who despise you. 

God is a Provider who takes care of what belongs to Him in both mountain and valley moments.  His people are fed spiritual manna known fittingly as the Bread of Life and drink from overflowing fountains of Living Water. 

He invites all who are hungry, thirsty, despairing, and vulnerable to sit at His table and get rest for our weary, burdened souls. 

Only one question remains, will you accept the invitation? Will you dine with the Lord? 

Sunday Sermon

“For I know the plans that I have for give you a future and a hope.” Jeremiah 29:11

I believe in the power of taking notes, generally and spiritually speaking. Writing helps me focus on the speaker and prevents my wandering mind from drifting. Perhaps it is the English teacher in me. My head is always filled with a 1,001 thoughts.

Today, while taking notes on the sermon entitled “He Still Has A Plan For Me” based upon Mark 11:1-10, I felt so heavyhearted and out of sorts that I wasn’t in the mood for music, message, or fellowship. But out of habit, I attended church and attempted to listen to the sermon, pen in hand.

I halfheartedly wrote:

  • Look for peace
  • Love is a four letter word (my own thoughts, lol)
  • Everybody has highs and lows, Nobody stays on the mountaintop
  • He knows exactly where I am, the people who have betrayed me, He knows I’m tied up in my emotions-He has a plan to get me loosed

While sitting there I started thinking that I needed to do more with my notes. On occasion I read through them all, but that’s it. I never really think about them afterwards. The notebook stays closed and only gets opened on Sundays. But what good are notes if I don’t connect them to my life? They simply become a rote exercise to pass the time. Hence the idea for Sunday posts was birthed from this thought.


Sometimes God will isolate you in order to bring you to Him. No one else will be able to sate you. You will feel so lonely that you have no choice but to seek Him. He will dry up any resources that You place above Him. Once you seek Him, the valley won’t feel so lonely.


This has proven to be quite true in my life. Many of the things I had years ago I no longer have. I almost live like a hermit and as a result, my people resources are barren. But He’s made it this way I believe. He had to do something drastic to get my attention. Me, who all these years thought I was a self-sustaining island nation.

I am in the process of seeking, knocking, thirsting, healing, and hoping that it’s not too late for the plan(s) He has for me.